Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our first Sunday Back

After we returned from Tulsa, I took a very informal survey: How did the college team do in our place? I got three "It was amazing/great/etc. . . " and three "glad you guys are back" ( out of six friends I polled) Interestingly enough, the line between the votes was also divided by testosterone and estrogen. I think this means that the women I asked all FELT like they were praising God during the service, whereas the men were uncomfortable with the change. I didn't hear it, but personally, I think the other guitar player (Craig) can play circles around me (and he's roughly half my age).

OK, so we're back, we've seen a lot of Rock 'n' Roll in churches in Tulsa, cool lighting ( some excessive), and we're PUMPED to get back to it. We didn't buy any new lights, but we paid more attention to the lighting in our church. Musically, no difference. Honestly, it's only been two days since Sunday, and I can only remember two of the five songs we played. "I am Free" by Ross Parsley, and "Knowing You" by ?????. "I am Free" is obviously recognizable by anyone that has heard the Newsboyz on the radio, so people can at least sing the hook on the chorus. I really can't remember the three songs we did before the Mission Minute and the Offeratory song. Oh Yeah, the offertory was in 'C' and we sang an accapella 'Amazing Grace" afterwards in the same key. ( " I am Free " was also moved down to C for range and continuity ).

Maybe I expected a little more Rockin' going on this past weekend, but people really didn't need it. We had a funeral for a beautiful ten week old baby this past Saturday at church, and maybe folks weren't ready for it.

Funny thing. We did the exact same song set the next service, and it wailed. We had fun, the smaller 3rd service crowd was engaged, and we had a good time. What was different?


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