Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to ME

the wife bought me a new piece of gear for Christmas, an Epiphone Valve Junior guitar amp head. (Point to be made here. I got a LES PAUL CLASSIC for father's day, and did not expect anything at all for Christmas. What a wife!) I wanted one of these because A) they're affordable B) they sound GREAT C) they're small and light, and D) I can tinker/tweak/modify it. My original intention was to put in on my talkbox for those really rare occasions I can crank out some Frampton licks on Sunday morning.

Sorry, we don't use a regular guitar amp on Sunday mornings. We are POD XT people. No amps on stage allowed, but we do have a really cool AVIOM (sp?) monitor mixing system, with SHURE in-ear monitor headseats, of which I am VERY grateful

Merry Christmas to all!


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